Ensuring Health and Economic Well-being of Women

Samhita-CGF’s REVIVE Alliance Awarded Best CSR Project in Skill Development & Livelihood

Samhita-CGF’s REVIVE Alliance has found a place among the best CSR projects conceptualised and executed in the year 2020-21 for our efforts to support and restore the livelihoods of informal workers, nano and micro-entrepreneurs, artisans and women collectives who have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The jury for selecting the best social projects for “TheCSRUniverse COVID Response Impact Awards 2021” included Dr Rishikesha T Krishnan, Director, Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) Bangalore; Dr Himanshu Rai, Director, Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) Indore; Dr Umakant Dash, Director, Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA); and Prof Shalini Bharat, Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai.

In addition to the top academicians, the renowned social sector experts in the jury panel included Mr Nixon Joseph, Ex-President & Chief Operating Officer, SBI Foundation; and Mr Sanjay Sinha, Managing Director, M-CRIL.

Why We Need To Talk About Nano-Entrepreneurs In India

Nano entrepreneurs are people who typically run small retail or kirana shops or earn a livelihood as street vendors. They usually have not had the benefit of a college education, which prevents them from attaining formal means of employment and many shoulder debt to survive, making it even more dire for those who have faced a health or a financial crisis during the pandemic.

The challenges faced by nano entrepreneurs are different than their medium or small scale counterparts. With the line blurred between personal and business income, they are often just a nudge away from being pushed into poverty.

Samhita-CGF’s REVIVE Alliance realised the significant role & enormous potential of nano entrepreneurs in reviving India’s post-pandemic economy and since have been working with our partners to create better opportunities these cohorts.

Read the full article by our partner Michael & Susan Dell Foundation on why we need to talk about nano entrepreneurs.

The Story of a Fighter

Meet Beautician Bano, a fiercely determined entrepreneur and mother of three, who rose above all odds from sweeping a beauty parlour to owning her own.

Since she was a child, Fairoza was fond of studying and learning new things; but due to familial constraints, she was unable to pursue her dreams of being educated. She was married at the age of 16.

Unfortunately, her marriage was not a happy one. For 12 years Fairoza’s husband, who worked as a rickshaw driver, subjected her to verbal and physical abuse. She described herself as being “treated like a slave”.

Pregnant with her third child and having had enough, she took her two children and packed her bags to leave her husband for good. When she went back to her parents, she did not receive the kind of support that she had hoped for or needed — they were struggling financially and could not afford to feed three more mouths.

When everything seemed to be stacked against her, Fairoza tapped into her inner strength and resolved to tide over the tough times. Only two months after delivering her youngest child, Fairzo started working as a sweeper to support her three children.

Soon, she found employment as housekeeping staff at a beauty parlour. Fairoza was fascinated by all the activities that unfolded in her new place of employment — intricate mehendi designs, precise eyebrow threading, manicures, pedicures and fancy hairstyling. Soon, Fairoza found herself nurturing a new dream — she wanted to own her own beauty parlour someday. In preparation, she would spend hours at the parlour observing the staff and absorbing everything she saw.

But there were many sceptics: How can a sweeper ever hope to learn the intricacies of the beauty business, they would say behind her back. But none of this deterred Fairoza; she was determined to prove them wrong.

She found her opportunity through the Godrej’s Salon-i program, where she not only learnt beauty skills but also other aspects of business management like customer relationship management, timely service delivery and maintaining hygiene standards. Armed with her new knowledge and skills, Fairoza began a beauty parlour in the premises of her house and nurtured a loyal customer base. With the income from her beauty parlour, she was financially self-sufficient, and able to provide for the education of her three children.

However, within a few months, in March 2020, a National lockdown induced by the COVID-19 pandemic forced her to shut down her parlour. Left without her only source of livelihood, Fairoza found herself in a rut yet again. This is when, through Godrej, she was introduced to the REVIVE Alliance.

Through REVIVE, Fairoza received a returnable grant — a no-interest, zero-collateral loan — that helped restart her business after months of economic inactivity. The grant allowed her to purchase resources and amp up her parlour’s hygiene measures to win customer confidence.

Now, she aptly introduces herself as “Beautician Bano” and aspires to start a second salon along with a new textile business. Learning from her own struggles and recognising those of other women like her, Fairoza dreams to provide free training to underprivileged women so that they can triumph over the setbacks in their lives. She aspires to create a path for others like herself to become strong and independent.

This story was editorialised by Raveena Joseph

Business Is Not A One-Time Activity

Self-dependent, resilient and driven, Santosh Sharma and her husband Rajinder Sharma continue to face challenges with grit despite multiple challenges.

Mrs. Santosh Sharma, 37, runs a manufacturing business along with her husband Rajinder Sharma (both of them are orthopaedically challenged) from their home in Delhi. They manufacture and sell various types of hand-made and machine-made cotton wicks and other essential pooja items (festival products) via B2B and B2C channels, exhibitions, and online sales channels like Indiamart and Instamojo.

The establishment of their business in 2018 was closely tied with support from ATPAR (www.atpar.in), an organization that provides Entrepreneurship Development and Mentoring  support to entrepreneurs with disabilities. They decided to start this home-based manufacturing enterprise after they attended an Entrepreneurship Development Training session conducted by ATPAR where they learned the manufacturing process. Santosh and Rajinder Sharma have grown to have three people under their employment in the time since, and have started getting international orders, while continuing to receive ATPAR’s mentoring and handholding support.

Their business, understandably, has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; they’ve seen a dramatic drop in the number of orders they receive and the few customers who do place orders are not consistent. So, the couple has had to scale back the level of operations to a bare minimum. The cost of critical raw materials have also increased by up to 20%. Yet, they persevere and remain future-focused. “Customers are few and not consistent, but business is not a one-time activity — it is an on-going process. Everyday, you have to find a new customer and keep trying,” said Santosh. 

The REVIVE Alliance partnered with ATPAR’s initiative NEDAR, a Network of   Entrepreneurs with Disabilities, during the pandemic, for a couple of important reasons: 1. These entrepreneurs face several intersectional challenges with regards to disability and gender, and 2. They are vulnerable members of the informal sector. The Sharmas received a returnable grant from REVIVE for ₹40,000 (USD 538) in March 2021.

However, soon after, the devastating second wave of the pandemic affected their business. The couple had to adopt a conservative approach, spending only as much as the limited order pipeline allowed. REVIVE offered a deferment on repayments on the Returnable Grant at the onset of the second wave, which supported the couple in planning ahead. The success of the REVIVE program is incumbent upon the participants’ resilience and drive to get back to work. For instance, as their business recovered, the Sharmas increasingly planned to leverage online platforms such as Indiamart to sell their products. “Self-dependency or atmanirbhar means you don’t spoon feed people. They have to have the passion to be self-dependent. You have to decide you want to do this. Otherwise, people will continue to exploit you one way or another,” said Rajinder.

This story was editorialised by Raveena Joseph

I’m Happy I’m Able To Do Something On My Own

Warli artisan Yamini is proud to be an earning member of her family in a time of crisis, and hopes to inspire her sons to be independent and resilient.

Yamini, who had started out as a tailor, now has additional skills to boast about. A 35-year-old from Maharashtra, Yamini migrated from her home village, Jalgaon Jilla, to the city of Bhiwandi to earn a better livelihood.

Through her Bachat Gat (Self Help Group), she started attending the stitching training workshops conducted by TISSER in 2018. Having worked as a tailor, she was used to stitching blouses and saree falls (a piece of clothing attached to the hem of a saree), but with additional training she learnt to make newer pieces of clothing like jackets etc. It was in one such training session that TISSER representatives introduced her to Warli art. 

Her husband, the primary breadwinner of the family, works as a driver for private cab service companies. His monthly income of around ₹15,000 was insufficient for family expenses, including the education of their two sons, which eventually required them to rely on informal money lenders. 

The uncertainty created by COVID-19 and the fear of her husband’s livelihood loss due to lockdowns spurred Yamini’s decision to build her skills and learn Warli art as part of a skilling initiative by the REVIVE Alliance. Through TISSER, she received production orders, which opened up a new avenue of income. When Yamini became able to supplement the family’s income with ₹2000-₹4000, she felt a sense of accomplishment. 

Yamini has come a long way in her journey as an artisan – not only as an artist but also as a trainer. She has trained about 40 women artisans in Warli designs. They do wall frames, odhani work, kurta designs, etc. “On some days, household chores take up a lot of time and I get free only by midnight. Then I have to stay up at night to finish the work. But as soon as I send in the work, TISSER sends me the payment. The more intricate and unique the designs I do, the more money I make,” said Yamini. 

Yamini has found the work-from-home arrangements lonely. She’s used to working collaboratively with other women artisans. But she’s glad for the example she’s setting for her sons. “I’m happy I am able to do something on my own. We haven’t taken any money from anyone; we’ve earned everything we have on our own. I want my sons to learn the same and be able to stand on their feet,” said Yamini.

This story was editorialised by Raveena Joseph

An Uphill Climb

Fearless and focused, Warli artist and trainer Razia has been breaking barriers in her community and enabling other women to restart their livelihoods.

When Razia Falluh Khan learnt that a group of 30 women in Ulhasnagar, a city over 40km away from her hometown Vajreshwari, Maharashtra, needed training in Warli artisanship, she was hesitant. The journey required her to climb a hill. “But then the TISSER program people told me that the women wanted me to train them. At that time, I was training another 30-50 women in a village near Ulhasnagar. So I decided to train one set of women in the first village, climb up the hill to Ulhasnagar and train another set of women there,” recounted Razia, who did this for a month.

Hardworking and resilient, 30-year-old Razia is a Warli art trainer and artisan. Razia loves to paint and during her time as an artisan, she used to make cards, frames, books, bags, tea trays, tea pots, etc. “I started working so that I could stand on my own feet. With whatever I make, I see how I can contribute towards my family expenditure,” said Razia, who is a breadwinner in an 8-member household. 

Razia has been a Warli artisan working under the TISSER program since 2017. Before the pandemic, Razia travelled to Mumbai to learn how to market her products better. But when the pandemic hit, the frequency of orders for her products reduced. To make up for the lost income, Razia switched over to training other women in the craft. She earns ₹275 per day as a trainer. 

A part of the REVIVE Alliance, the skilling program has not only given Razia a platform to earn and grow, but also helps her enable other women to do the same. Before the pandemic, women would congregate in one place to learn Warli art. Now, due to COVID-19 restrictions, trainers like Razia need to travel to villages around the region. 

“Most women don’t travel, and those who do only go to closeby places. I’m the only one who accepts going to far away areas like Vitthalwadi, Bewundi, Ulhasnagar. The travelling can get very difficult…for example, I had to change 6 vehicles to reach Badlapur one way — train, rickshaw, bus,” said Razia. 

Her mother is often very worried when she returns home late, but this doesn’t bother Razia. She stays focused on her goals: she just wants to earn her livelihood and grow. “I want to be recognised for the effort I put in and get compensated/promoted accordingly. I want a regular income. Women need to be supported; men can get a job anywhere. Only if we support women can they be empowered,” said Razia.

This story was editorialised by Raveena Joseph

A Long Road to Recovery

For Warli artisan Savita, who was financially independent before the pandemic, the depletion of savings and unstable earnings is a great cause of anxiety.

Savita Vastakar, a 32-year-old artisan, got trained in Warli art when she found out about the TISSER skilling program through a women’s self-help group in 2018. “I always loved to draw. I thought I could take up this work because I have artistic talent and I wanted to earn some money by working from home,” said Savita. 

Being an artisan allowed Savita to feel good about making her own money. But her world changed when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. She went from being financially independent to income-less. “My earning had gone down to zero during the peak of the pandemic. Our TISSER work stopped for 2-3 months when the first series of lockdowns happened. Even though orders were coming in, none of us were leaving home so we couldn’t work,” she lamented. 

Resident of a chawl in Gaikarwadi, Maharashtra, Savita noticed that everyone in her neighbourhood was experiencing similar hardships. “The pandemic has impacted family earnings because work has become irregular. The kids are not going to school, online schooling is not very helpful and the kids are also bored. We are also scared to step out. Coronavirus has ruined everything,” said Savita, distraught and gravely worried about the path forward. 

Though not too optimistic about the future, Savita remarks how getting vaccinated has given her some hope that things will get better.

Her only means of income now is through TISSER — she makes clothes, wood frames, pots, etc. Even though income was irregular for a few months, things slowly started stabilising for Savita when India recovered from a harsh second wave in mid-2021. A part of the REVIVE Alliance, the UNDP-supported program by TISSER helps women artisans like Savita procure raw materials and sell finished artisanal products. “I got an order in June and another for a top in August,” said Savita. 

While Savita is glad to be earning something, the lack of stability in income has left her very worried, as the family has had to dip into savings to tide through the pandemic. 

There is a long road ahead before the lives of artisans like Savita can go back to normal. “Due to lack of money, people like me are unable to dream of a better future. I want to be able to earn a fixed salary so that I can take care of the household expenses and my children,” said Savita.

This story was editorialised by Raveena Joseph

The Power of Painting

Through an artisanal upskilling program facilitated by the REVIVE Alliance, one resolute woman has found a way to turn her passion for painting into a means of income that can facilitate her children’s education.

Gayatri Ganesh Gaikar, 38 years old, lives in a joint family which includes six other members. When two of them contracted COVID-19, the entire family had to quarantine themselves for 2 weeks, which not only increased their healthcare worries, but also their livelihood concerns. Gayatri, a mother of two children, shoulders all the domestic responsibilities in the household. Her husband, who works as a driver, lost his job due to COVID-19. “During the pandemic, his previous company shut down. He only gets little work now and only leaves the house for work on some days. Apart from him, in this household, I paint. Since we’ve had to stay at home and not go out to look for work, I’ve only been painting,” said Gayatri, who identifies herself proudly as a financial contributor to the family.

Gayatri’s household income has reduced by more than 50% due to COVID-19 related issues. Determined to supplement her family income, Gayatri turned her passion for painting into an income source after she heard about the TISSER skilling program, a part of the REVIVE Alliance, in her neighbourhood. “Earlier, I used to do some tailoring work like stitching bags along with other women in my bachat ghat (Self Help Group). In 2020, one of my neighbours told me about a TISSER training program and since I was interested in painting, I went to check it out,” said Gayatri. 

Through the TISSER program, Gayatri has already completed 1 year of professional training in Warli painting, and her second year is ongoing. “TISSER gives us raw materials, and we just do the artistic work and give the product — like odhani, kurta, dress — back to them; they sell it. We work in a group, but if there are too many people it gets scary because of Covid. I work in a group with 2-3 women from my village, so that we don’t have to travel much. I like working with them because I can work on the parts I enjoy — like designing. They are also very encouraging about my work,” said Gayatri. 

Her contributions to the household income (now around ₹ 8,000-10,000), helps them meet their bare basic needs — including food and children’s education. However, expenditure always threatens to exceed income. The family is worried about their health, their lack of savings and their difficulties in meeting monthly expenses. “I would like it if work increases. Some days we don’t get too much work and because of Covid, I can’t go out and I can only do this. More income would be nice because the kids are also studying now — 10th standard and 4th standard. I have my family’s support to work as well, so I can work well,” said strong-willed Gayatri.

This story was editorialised by Raveena Joseph

No one likes eating poison

Meet Rameshbhai Ram, an organic farmer from Madhapar in Gujarat, who decided to follow his heart and chart a path different from other farmers in his village.

Rameshbhai Ram, 45, is a farmer in Madhapar village, Gujarat, who shifted to organic farming from conventional methods of agriculture a few years back. But this shift was not planned; it was a result of nature running its course.

In Rameshbhai’s village, farmers traditionally engage in the cultivation of groundnut, cotton and sugarcane. They protect their crop through the use of urea, weedicides and pesticides. However, five years ago, Rameshbhai became acutely aware of the huge burden of expenses he incurred due to the purchase of crop fertilisers and medicines. Fed up, he chose not to use artificial supplements for some of his produce. This led to a surprising discovery: “Once I started eating the rotis from my organic crops, I could feel the difference for myself. The taste and fragrance were remarkably superior, and I felt more energetic and active,” he said. 

A true farmer at heart, Rameshbhai wished to sow the seed of organic farming amongst his customers, so that they could also reap the health benefits and experience what he had experienced. But the road ahead was bumpy.

Imagine being a new and enterprising organic farmer in a village where a majority of the farmers make their living from commercial crops. You have a hectare of land and you have to produce crops that are highly sensitive to weeds. You know that the market for organic produce is limited in your village. You are risking a lower yield for your crops which directly affects your income anywhere between 37% to 75%, depending on the mercy of natural elements. Your family is worried too; they question the rationale behind your actions.

Whenever Rameshbhai’s family nagged him to buy urea and pesticides from the market for a bountiful harvest, he dismissed them with excuses about the shop being closed or forgetting to visit the shop. His conviction about organic farming, he said, stemmed from a place of understanding: “no one wants to eat poison.”

Rameshbhai’s biggest challenge came with the COVID-19 pandemic. Among rampant fears of the deadly virus and an economic standstill, he struggled to make ends meet. He was tasked with ensuring the health of his family, while also taking care of his agrarian activities. 

Resourceful as ever, Rameshbhai applied for REVIVE’s returnable grant and used it to tide over his resource crunch. He invested the grant money, ₹10,000, in farming inputs like neem oil to increase harvest. Soon thereafter, he also purchased a smartphone which he uses to watch organic-farming related videos and to undertake digital transactions through GooglePay. With a resounding “Yes”, he affirmed that he believes in the power of digitization. 

As passionate as Rameshbhai is about his vocation, he bemoans that his two sons don’t want to follow his footsteps. Both of them left the village to live in the city of Rajkot where his older son works in an IT company and his younger son is pursuing a diploma in agricultural studies. Like most youth of our country, they aspire to work in an office as opposed to toiling in the field, because of the low earning potential and stagnant income levels. 

Nevertheless, Rameshbhai firmly believes that organic farming will have a substantial impact in improving farmers’ income in the long term. Having experienced relative income gains over the years, he actively engages in spreading his learnings among other farmers in the village to allay their fears about making the shift. He is now consulted as a master trainer during the occasional mass awareness initiatives on organic farming held in the village. He remained buoyantly hopeful and said, “Kheti ka zamana aayega.” [The era for farming will come someday.]

This story was edited by Raveena Joseph

Beauty & the COVID-19 Beast

When the world moved to work-from-home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Divya Chouhan ambitiously moved her business to an official premises to establish herself and grow.

When Divya Chouhan heads home in the afternoon after her shift at the Women and Child Department office, her neighbours often stop her on her way. Since she has a government job, they like to consult her about almost everything — recently, the most popular subject has been COVID-19. “They consult me about what medicine to take even if they have a cough or a cold,” she said, chuckling.

But this is only one of Divya’s avatars. “Everyone from my mother’s side of the family has a government job and everyone from my father’s side of the family runs a business; I do a bit of both,” said the 26-year-old from Dewas, Madhya Pradesh.

When she isn’t a government employee, Divya dons the hat of a beauty-preneur. She teaches beauty parlour skills to a small group of women every afternoon, from 1 p.m. to 4 pm. She feels teaching is an art which not only adds to her income, but also sharpens her skills: “Finesse comes from teaching.” 

Divya then attends to clients at her rented beauty parlour in the market area. Pre-pandemic, she used to operate her salon and conduct teaching from her home. But the lockdown urged her to formalize her vocation. “When the lockdown (March 2020) happened, I was home for a long time. I told myself if I want to go somewhere in life, then I have to start a business of my own.” Parlour servicing from her residential premises wasn’t quite the “business” idea she had conceived in her mind while pursuing management studies. During the lockdown, even the services offered from her home took a hit.

Starting a business, however, was not easy due to a paucity of funds. Even before the pandemic broke out, Divya’s mother had fallen severely ill in February 2020. “My mother had to be taken to a private facility that cost us a lot of money. The lockdown added to that financial burden since my father’s printing press was temporarily shut down and I could not teach in person either. Money was very tight,” recalled Divya, adding, “I did not want to borrow money from a relative or ask anyone for help.”

While pursuing her MBA, Divya had heard of Pratham, an organization that works with women micro-entrepreneurs to promote sustainable incomes and financial independence. Pratham apprised her about the REVIVE Alliance, and the returnable grant programme aimed at bringing COVID-hit livelihoods back on track. Divya availed a grant of ₹10,000 to bring her business to life.

Divya now leverages her MBA training to promote her beauty classes on Whatsapp and her parlour business on Instagram. “I designed a course completion certificate for my students and used Whatsapp to spread the word about my classes. I also frequently post pictures of my clients on Instagram to market the different services I offer,” she said.

Even though the lockdowns were lifted in late 2020 to release the economy, many like Divya’s father have struggled to get back to pre-pandemic levels of business. At this difficult time, Divya’s contribution to the family’s finances has been crucial for their survival. “Many in my family have gotten inspired by my journey and want to start businesses of their own,” said Divya. Her sphere of influence now extends not just to her neighbours but also to her students, family and relatives as well. “Everyone looks up to me,” she said, proudly.

This story was edited by Raveena Joseph