Ensuring Health and Economic Well-being of Women

Beyond Business – Contributions to Social Initiatives

Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) & Samhita have launched the report Beyond Business – Contributions to Social Initiatives.

Member companies of the @Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance have been at the forefront of CSR activities in India with remarkable contributions in the fields of public health, education, and environment. Even during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, IPA companies have been quick to respond to the needs of the hour through provision of equipment and capacity building.

This report maps the role of and impact created by Indian pharmaceutical companies through their social initiatives while simultaneously charting out the future of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the sector.

Mahindra Logistics joins the India Workers’ Alliance

Samhita Social Ventures welcomes Mahindra Logistics Ltd. as a pillar of the India Workers Alliance to provide immediate relief to its driver community by transferring Rs 3,000 to their bank accounts to enable them to buy essential commodities.

Born out of the Samhita Model, the India Workers Alliance propogates a collective CSR fund for economic support and recovery of India’s workers. Through instant digital cash transfers the Alliance is providing immediate relief and at the same time building resilience of workers to ensure an easier segue into normalcy post the pandemic. The Alliance ensures quick funding to replace lost incomes to take care of basic necessities, facilitates access to government social schemes, micro loans and health insurance products.

These aid solutions are recommended by senior experts like Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee and Dr. Nachiket Mor to reach aid to the COVID-19 affected – the ones dispossessed and at risk.

Clean energy taps limited CSR funding, report says – Live Mint

“Companies may not be implementing CSR in clean energy because of various reasons. Many companies perceive energy access interventions to be highly technical. This could’ve discouraged some companies that did not have capacities and capabilities to implement such projects. Companies also find it difficult to source qualified and technically competent implementation partners in geographic areas of interest” – Priya Naik, Founder & CEO, Samhita Social Ventures.

This article features Samhita’s clean energy report, created in association with Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation and International Finance Corporation. The report is titled ‘Energising Development – CSR in Clean Energy: What are India’s top companies up to?’.

Tech underpins a new wave of Indian corporate social responsibility

“There is something magical about the convergence with people halfway around the world. The issues you are dealing with in South Africa are so similar to the ones we are going through in India.” So says Priya Naik, founder and CEO of Samhita Social Ventures in India, addressing delegates at the Trialogue Business in Society Conference in Johannesburg today.

IT News Africa reports on Priya Naik’s keynote speech at Trialogue 2018

Financial Inclusion – Key to Economic & Social Development

Priya Naik, Founder and Managing Director of Samhita Social Ventures emphasizes on financial inclusion as the key to economic and social development in an article in CSR Mandate.

In India RBI describes financial inclusion as the process of ensuring access to appropriate financial products and services needed by vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low-income groups at an affordable in a fair and transparent manner by mainstream institutional players. 

Financial inclusion is a fundamental cornerstone of economic and social development. The mandatory CSR spending, as stipulated by the Companies Bill 2012, can help foster partnerships and help achieve a joint approach to promoting financial inclusion in a way that is mutually beneficial to all stakeholders.  In order to realize the goal of universal financial inclusion, each stakeholder has to play its part and more importantly, collaborate with each other to harness the benefits and synergies of shared efforts.

Wondering About Corporate Spend? Here Are Three Sectors CSR Should Focus On

The Better India featured Samhita’s report on CSR in Clean Energy. ‘Energising Development – CSR in Clean Energy: What are India’s top companies up to?’ was created in association with Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation and International Finance Corporation.

“By comparison, almost 90% of the companies have a CSR program in education, sanitation or skills and livelihoods. It’s not as if these issues aren’t important, but that energy access plays a critical role in addressing better health, livelihood or education outcomes. It’s all about inculcating an integrated approach towards achieving social change.”

“By comparison, almost 90% of the companies have a CSR program in education, sanitation or skills and livelihoods. It’s not as if these issues aren’t important, but that energy access plays a critical role in addressing better health, livelihood or education outcomes. It’s all about inculcating an integrated approach towards achieving social change.”

India Inc buckles up to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

“Whether to safeguard their workers or help strengthen the country’s COVID-19 response, companies across India are stepping up to strategically utilize their resources to address the here-and-now but also shoring up for the future in ways that are beneficial to both business and society.”

Samhita’s CEO & Founder, Priya Naik and Visiting Scientist at The Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health, Dr. Nachiket Mor, illustrate the virtuous cycle of mutual benefit that can be created between business and society, especially in times of such crisis when the chasms between the haves and have-nots are wide.

Are healthcare facilities accessible to India’s tribals?

“India no longer has the luxury of continuing to wait and watch as millions of its tribal peoples suffer and die from preventable causes.”

There is a much higher incidence of maternal and under-five mortality, stuntedness, tuberculosis, and cardiovascular diseases among India’s 104 million tribals compared with the larger population.

Piramal Swasthya and The Bridgespan Group map out the reasons for the lack of reduction of health challenges in tribal areas based on their field studies.

They outline factors such as barriers in access to healthcare and information, insufficient number of public health facilities, and lack of data.

They stress that for scalable and population-wide impact to be achieved, especially to meet India’s national aspirations of Sustainable Development goals of health and well being- a focused and collaborative approach between all stakeholders of society is the only way forward.

Align your employees with a broader purpose

“Employees are agitating for decisions and behaviours that they can be proud to stand behind and gravitating toward companies that have a clear, unequivocal, and positive impact on the world. Organizations turning a blind eye will face inevitable blowback”.

Read McKinsey & Company’s insightful article ‘Purpose: Shifting from how to why’’ to know how companies can begin addressing this ‘purpose gap’ and take ownership of their entire business ecosystem.